


Modular Connectors / Ethernet Connectors

Intended to purchase the model

Model Manufacturer Package Operation
7499110123 Wurth Elektronik Tube Sell
95540-6888 Molex Sell
HCJ11-804SK-L12 HALO Electronics Sell
HFJT1-E1G41-L12RL HALO Electronics Sell
937-SP-360808-A161 Stewart Connector / Bel Bulk Sell
JT7-1104NL Pulse Electronics Tray Sell
RJFTV2SA5GF459 Amphenol Socapex Bulk Sell
RJF62SA1B Amphenol Socapex Bulk Sell
HFJ11-E1G01E-L11RL HALO Electronics Sell
HFJV1-E1G16-L12RL HALO Electronics Sell